Professional Experience

GTA (Machine Learning: CS 4824/ECE 4424), Prof. Lifu Huang

Teaching Assistant, Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science, Spring 2023, 2023

I worked as a Graduate Teaching Assistant for Professor Lifu Huang in the Machine Learning course for fall 2023. This involved reviewing solutions to assignments, assisting with grading and quizzes. This was also a project based course and I worked as a product manager for 8 different students teams working on diverse projects in Machine Learning. I also held office hours and conducted workshops on Numpy and Pytorch.

UTA (Computer Programming & Utilization), Prof. Krishna Subramaniam

Teaching Assistant, IIT Bombay, Computer Science & Engineering, Spring 2018, 2018

I worked as an undergraduate teaching assistant for Computer Programming & Utilzation Lab during the fall of 2018. This involved preparing lab assignments and answering student questions about concepts, projects, and homework during lab hours.